Domain Ontology

What is Domain Ontology?
MECBot’s Domain Ontology simplifies the navigation of complex datasets by providing a centralized, standardized method for sourcing and organizing data according to the business domain. It encompasses setting domain-based data validation rules, establishing context and relationships between data points, and creating a domain-driven, shared vocabulary for all data users. By implementing MECBot’s Domain Ontology, enterprises can transform their data from a tangled, messy web into a clear, cohesive picture. This means that all data users within an enterprise have access to a centralized, standardized, and global definition of what each data point means and how various data points are interconnected.
Why is Domain Ontology the Need of the Hour?
Without Domain Ontology, there is no global data definition to connect all data within an enterprise. Data Context, which is vital to understanding what data means, becomes a wild goose chase, and as a result, data quality and integrity get eroded at the very core. As data keeps changing hands, it gets further corrupted due to schema changes, semantic drifts, human errors, and data obsolescence. With such unreliable data as the raw material, even the most advanced data science algorithms won’t deliver accurate results. Hence, Domain Ontology is a must-have to make data purposeful, meaningful, and fit for use and reuse.
What Are the Key Elements of Domain Ontology?
MECBot’s Domain Ontology consists of 3 key elements: ‘Domain,’ ‘Entity,’ and ‘Attribute.’ In the Retail industry, for instance, the Domain Retail includes Entities like ‘Customers,’ ‘Products,’ and ‘Stores.’ Each Entity is further defined by specific Attributes. For example, the Entity ‘Customers’ might have Attributes such as ‘id,’ ‘name,’ ‘age,’ ‘gender,’ and ‘location.’ MECBot’s Domain Ontology takes an ‘attributes-first’ approach, meaning that a logical collection of Attributes makes up an ‘Entity,’ and a set of Entities forms the ‘Domain’.
How Does Domain Ontology Work?
MECBot’s Domain Ontology is like a GPS for the entire data ecosystem of an enterprise—charting all the key points and showing data users how they interlink. In MECBot, the data journey begins with an extensible and continuously evolving Domain Ontology. MECBot directly captures the data from pre-configured sources and maps it to the Domain Ontology specified by the user. Interestingly, in MECBot’s Domain Ontology, even if two or more Entities share the same underlying attributes, the moment a value is assigned, a unique ‘Fact’ about each entity is created. This is due to MECBot’s ‘attributes-first’ approach.
What Are the Benefits of Domain Ontology?

It is based on immutable, domain-driven ‘Facts’ about each Entity, setting it apart from traditional databases.

It combines the wisdom of domain experts, the technical expertise of data teams, and the existing domain knowledge that resides in public Knowledge Bases.

It eliminates the necessity of fragmented one-to-one mappings between datasets and applications.

It ensures that different databases can “talk” to each other, and enables users to query across multiple databases seamlessly (cross-database query).

It speeds up the process of drawing accurate, just-in-time conclusions (insights) from the query results based on domain logic.