FORMCEPT's approach to Telematics

"Connected cars have the potential to dramatically reduce the 1.2 million traffic deaths that occur worldwide each year"                                                   - The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, June 2013

Since the first ever successful installation of car radio in 1930, telecommunications technology has evolved significantly. Our vehicles now provide an enhanced and safe experience by embedding the latest technologies and gadgets. The rapidly evolving mobile technology is driving the next phase of innovation in vehicles and becoming an integral part of the system which provides benefits like infotainment, assistance and navigation facilities on-the-go.

With these fruitful business opportunities, the automotive industry is gearing up to the challenge and it comes as no surprise that by 2022, the connected car market's worth is projected at staggering $422 billion. This is an age of smart phones and we are slowly progressing towards "smart cars" that will soon become an everyday "common" term. With a significant amount of time spent by human beings in vehicles on a daily basis, the adaptation of smart cars will bear rich fruits in the very near future. Commuting time and fuel costs are among top concerns for mankind, which can be easily dealt with the introduction of telematics technology in the automotive industry.

Future looks cool and we are making good progress but what about the data generated by these "Smart Cars"? The current age of "Big Data" is proving that you can improve and optimize whatever you can capture in terms of data. Now, think about an ecosystem of connected cars, that too hundreds of billions of them...

This strongly connected ecosystem of devices will generate huge amount of data at electrifying speed which is beyond the capabilities of traditional systems and relational databases. You need to think ground-up for the data infrastructure to handle these datasets and analyze them for predicting the future outcomes, like- failures.

FORMCEPT acknowledges the need for such a system which will ensure data capture and provide scalable storage for this high velocity of data. Besides reliable data management, FORMCEPT's analytics engine can analyze this data in real-time and provide meaningful insights on the fly that can help predict the future outcomes.

Lets take an example of Fleet Management that is apt for the smart vehicle scenario. The biggest pain point for a company managing a fleet of vehicle is to monitor all the vehicles in real-time and also reduce cost of maintenance and fuel consumption. With the advent of GPS devices, all the travel companies are now looking forward to embed these in all their vehicles to track them in real-time.

FORMCEPT picked up all the GPS data that was captured from these vehicles and augmented it with the Speedometer and Odometer readings to create a dashboard for monitoring the vehicles.

Further, we at FORMCEPT analyzed the internal data against the external public data available for the vehicle (Volvo 9400) to find out the optimal speed and amount of fuel that can be saved during the trip. The analysis results were helpful for better route planning, improving fuel efficiency and identifying rash drivers.

These images showcase how FORMCEPT captured readings of speedometer and odometer along a vehicle's route, identifying minute-but-significant details like various stoppages the vehicle made and the duration of these stoppages accounting towards the vehicle's total idle time.

The drill down analysis shows each and every aspect of the vehicle along the journey, including the driver's behavior.The image below shows how the visualization of speedometer readings as well as odometer readings can be explored using a simple visual interface provided by FORMCEPT. Prominent features of vehicle trip evident from the visualization are-

  1. Instances of over speeding
  2. Number of stoppages along the route

Similarly, a drill down analysis of the route can be further explored by simple click-and-zoom mechanism. The visual interface comprehensively traces vehicle's path accurately on the map and indicates-

  1. Source and destination on map
  2. Exact route covered
  3. Location and duration of stoppages

The odometer readings also give you an interesting pattern that the readings are being reset at frequent intervals along the route.

Further, FORMCEPT, both with internal and external data source, summarizes the analysis results and provides the facts revealing gaps/shortfalls and opportunities for operational excellence.

In this blog, we have only touched the surface of what is possible by capturing GPS, Speedometer and Odometer data of vehicles. FORMCEPT provides you a data analysis platform out of the box that can help you achieve the analytics as shown above.

The above use case captures the data analysis and storage part of the fleet management. Now imagine how useful will this data be for maintaining the vehicles. The system can also record vehicle failures and then predict the failures in future based on the previous usage pattern that can be derived from the speed, acceleration and stoppages.In the past, only connected system we could think of was our computers via internet; but now technological advancements are paving way for a connected world by syncing all devices/gadgets present around a human being. This is leading to a new phenomenon of Internet of Things or rather Internet of Everything. Our vehicles will soon be a part of the same ecosystem of connected devices which include computers, wireless devices, sensors, Bluetooth, Internet, GPS systems, mobile phones, etc. FORMCEPT helps you leverage such a system of connected devices by helping you monitor and optimize the usage of these devices for a better future.

For more details, please feel free to contact us.