FORMCEPT Architecture

June 24, 2012

FORMCEPT provides a highly scalable big data analysis infrastructure that is designed on top of proven open source technologies including Hadoop, HBase and Solr. FORMCEPT Big Data Analysis Stack consists of five layers-

  • Grabby
  • C3 (Classify | Compare | Correlate) Engine
  • Storage Engine
  • Intent Channel

We believe that in near future everyone will own a robot. These bots will be used either for assistance at home or for day-to-day work. They will have to be intelligent enough to accept your commands, understand what you need and respond within a limited time frame. Our vision with MECBOT is to provide a bot (hardware/software) that can provide assistance for all the storage, analysis and retrieval services related to the day-to-day work.

MECBOT stands for Management and Enhancement of Content and is responsible for storing and analyzing all your data and events such that they can be retrieved on demand at the right time and on the right device. All the users of FORMCEPT Platform own a MECBOT and configure it based on their requirement.

MECBOT users also have an option to configure interests like, which content to grab, from where to grab and the device where they would like the analyzed content or reports to be delivered. Once configured, MECBOT coordinates all the activities within the stack and starts responding to the commands and the events.


Grabby act as a content firehose for FORMCEPT Platform. Grabby is used by MECBOT to grab content from a variety of external data sources. Grabby understands OAuth protocol that gives it all the power to grab content seamlessly from all the popular Social Media platforms and various document stores, like Dropbox, Google Docs, etc. You can configure your data source for Grabby through MECBOT and fetch structured or unstructured content for storage, analysis and retrieval.

Storage Engine

Storage Engine provides the scalable storage implementation for FORMCEPT platform. The biggest challenge that is addressed by the Storage Engine is that the content is stored based on the type and structure. All the content, structured or unstructured are managed by the Storage Engine in such a way that the storage, retrieval, processing and analysis is efficient. FORMCEPT hides the entire storage complexity and stores the content into the right storage implementation based on its type. The storage engine can also sit on top of an existing distributed storage implementation.

C3 Engine

C3 stands for Classify | Compare | Correlate and is the main processing engine of the platform. FORMCEPT uses its proprietary Natural Language Processing algorithms for classification. The classification is backed by a Knowledge Graph that is built on the concepts of Linked Data. Once the classification is done, the next step is to compare content and find correlations. FORMCEPT uses advanced mathematical concepts to compare and correlate content. Tasks like, sentiment analysis, trend analysis and pattern detection are also done by the C3 Engine.

Intent Channel

Intent Channel is the delivery channel for all the applications that are built on top of FORMCEPT Platform. These applications are called Intents, hence the name Intent Channel.Big Data Analysis is a challenging problem but analysis alone is not sufficient. We need to analyze the data and at the same time deliver the analysis results and reports to the right device at the right time.FORMCEPT Intent Channel is designed to deliver the right content to the right device at the right time. The Intent Channel can be used not only for delivering the analysis results or reports but also documents, images and notifications.


FORMCEPT provides a Big Data Analysis platform to build next generation intelligent applications with minimal effort. These applications are called Intents. You can develop intent with your data and review it in an agile manner. Once you are convinced with the working of Intent, you can turn on your content fire-hose by configuring your MECBOT.

FORMCEPT provides few intents out-of-the-box with the Big Data Analysis Platform. These intents include Human Resource Intent, Media Intent and Retail Intent.