Use Cases

Smart Annotation with MECBot INK

    ✔ Powered by state-of-the-art Knowledge Base that is based on the concepts of Linked Data
    ✔ Deep Knowledge of annotated keywords and phrases in unstructured data,backed by Deep Context hierarchy for on-the-fly disambiguation
    ✔ Intuitive interface text analytics to explore annotations and structure them as per your business model

MECBot INK for Healthcare

    ✔ MECBot INK Analyzes, Annotates & Unifies Unstructured Healthcare Data with Structured Data into a Smart Data Fabric
    ✔ MECBot INK Makes the Painstaking Process of Manually Scanning Medical Literature as Redundant,Saving Hundreds of Man-Hours and Dollars

MECBot structures the unstructured data in near real-time and automates all the repeatable tasks and processes in massaging or crunching the data.

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